Furaha Community Foundation


530 298 When I Grow Up

What do the poor and a bag of Skittles have in common?

Huruma Building Collapse

500 500 When I Grow Up

In the middle of the rubble of demolished apartment buildings, after greed and corruption cost 100 people, including 4-year-old Brandon, his siblings, and their father, their lives.

furaha 2016 8th grade graduates

Furaha 100% Pass Rate – Again!

1000 527 When I Grow Up

Furaha Community Foundation, Huruma, Nairobi, Kenya

It is incredible but yet again the Furaha Primary School Grade 8 class scored a perfect 100% pass rate in this years High School entrance exams. Amazing.

Congratulations to the students and the staff!

Human Dignity

600 338 When I Grow Up

Human dignity should not be a privilege. Human dignity should be a right of every human being. But for the thousands living in extreme poverty, with no food and no way out, is that dignity?

You Can Make A Difference

1366 768 When I Grow Up

Poverty is a brutal cycle that billions are trapped in. But we believe that not only CAN this change, but that it WILL. And YOU can make a difference.

A Life in Extreme Poverty

800 450 When I Grow Up

Get a glimpse into life in extreme poverty by learning the story of Joshua, an orphan living in the Huruma slum of Nairobi, Kenya.

“When I Grow Up…” Furaha Primary School

1000 562 When I Grow Up

We asked some of the children at Furaha Primary School, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Here are their answers.

Should Your Geography Determine Your Destiny?

817 460 When I Grow Up

Ask yourself one question…Should your geography determine your destiny?

The Power of a Twix Bar

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Would you give up your Twix?

Furaha – An Excellent Work

817 460 When I Grow Up

Our latest video shows the incredible progress made in the Huruma Slums by Furaha Community Foundation. What started off as tutoring for 40 children in extreme poverty has grown to schools that provide quality education for over 600 students, and assistance for thousands more!