Eradicating Poverty in Kenya
Poverty is not a lack of money but a lack of options. FCF is providing quality education for hundreds of children – the option needed to escape poverty.
Led by incredible Kenyan leaders and staff, the Furaha Community Foundation (FCF) is a community of hope. From its start as a tutoring group for a handful of children, FCF has grown to be a vibrant Primary School of 500 children grades pre-Kindergarten to Class 8, and High School of 150 students in 2014- on its way to reaching its capacity of 200 students. A large proportion of the children are HIV+ orphans, the poorest of the poor. From the beginning days of a few volunteers to a quality facility and staff of over 50 gifted and committed Kenyans.
FCF has also grown to be multifaceted in its operation. The children are taught by a team of committed and talented teachers. A team of cooks serve a daily nourishing meal to every child who normally might only eat every other day; the High School students live on campus and receive three meals a day. Good nourishment has improved the children’s health and concentration in school. Eighty percent of the children are orphaned relying on others to care for them. In the event that a child has no guardian or is at risk in his or her living environment, care is provided in a girls and boys safe house.
Each day every child receives vital friendship, education, physical and spiritual care. Along side the school, a team of dedicated social workers visit the children and their guardians to bring support as well as helping them fight for justice. Microloans help fund small businesses run by guardians so they can better provide for themselves and the children entrusted to them. A Health Program brings support and health education to those affected with HIV/AIDS (children or their guardian) as well as helping the children remain healthy.
In this grey, intimidating, desperate slum where poverty and disease stand alongside crime, addiction, and hopelessness, the Furaha Community Foundation brings light and life.
The Furaha Community Foundation works under an NGO status within Kenya, lead by dedicated Christian leaders.

February 2006 – Initial Contact
Nine incredible days in February 2006 changed us. 11,000 miles from home we experienced sights and smells we’d never before witnessed. The sights and smells of extreme poverty. Yet in the midst of the chaos of the Huruma slum, Nairobi, Kenya we met incredible young Kenyan leaders making a difference. We left knowing we had found young leaders with a big vision and a vision we wanted to share in.
June 2008 – New Feeding Program
daily feeding program began with the children being given beans/rice/vegetables through the school week. With this initiative the children’s health dramatically improved and school attendance and grades improved.
May 2011 – Seeing Amazing Progress
After five-years of partnership we began investing considerably more funding to FCF. Two safe-houses began and land was bought for a new Boarding High School to be built outside of Nairobi.
February 2013 – Two Major Events
In Huruma a fire in some shanty buildings spread to the primary School and half of the Primary School buildings were burnt to the ground. As the FCF team coped with this major incident the new Boarding High School opened the doors of its new campus 50km away in Kantafu.
Thankfully When I Grow Up was able to rally its donors and FCF were able to rebuild the Primary School bigger and better than prior to the fire. The FCF leadership and staff led brilliantly through these two huge developments.
June 2015 – Pastors Training Launched
A Pastors Training Institute was formed in partnership with the Kenyan Center for Transforming Mission.
November 2015 – First Graduates!
The first students graduate the Furaha High School. Many of them are on their way to higher education.
May 2016 – Building Collapse
Tragically one of the large apartment blocks in Huruma collapsed killing many people, including a Furaha Primary School student. Furaha became the central point of the rescue effort with Furaha helping those who lost everything.
September 2016 – Beyond High School
Three of the top Furaha HS students commence University. The other 21 students start mid level college and vocational colleges.
January 2017 – First Graduating Pastors
The first group of Huruma Pastors graduate from the Pastors Training Institute.