Furaha Community Foundation

Furaha Teachers Wishing YOU a Very Merry Christmas

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The teachers from Furaha wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Despite the challenges faced this year, Furaha is so grateful for your constant support.

This Christmas you can give the gift of empowering children out of extreme poverty by clicking below.

Lives are being changed every day because of your giving.

Merry Christmas from Furaha

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From our friends in Kenya…”Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”…

Your giving is changing the trajectory of thousands of lives.

Last month for our annual virtual fundraiser we raised over $52k.

Incredible. Let’s keep changing lives.

This Christmas season, we ask that you give the gift of empowering a child out of extreme poverty. Let our friends from around the world know they are not forgotten.

You can give your gift today, simply click the donate button below.

Let’s do this together.

The Next Generation of World-Changing Leaders

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Through the Furaha Community Foundation, many of the High School graduates are recipients of the Furaha Community Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship allows these graduates to pursue a University, College Degree or Vocational Training Diploma. If a student is empowered through advanced education their entire family is lifted out of extreme poverty. The scholarship make possible what the students could only dream of!

The Engine That Drives Furaha

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The social work department of Furaha invites you to take a look into a day in the life of their incredible work. Lives are being transformed in some of the darkest places of the world, because the social workers of Furaha are committed to serving and empowering children out of extreme poverty.

Give today and change a child’s destiny.

It’s both physical and spiritual

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Meet Lydia!

She is the Furaha School Nurse. She is intervening and bringing health to the children of Furaha.

Furaha care for the physical, emotional and spiritual health of the children.

Your dollars are in action each and every day, as our partners make plans for the current times and the future.

The hiring of a school nurse to serve all students in the primary and the secondary school is allowing students the opportunity to be seen by a medical professional, a service that would not be offered otherwise in most homes.

Hear from Lydia below…

From Furaha… You are needed

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Welcome, friend

Thank you for joining the movement to empower children out of extreme poverty.

In Furaha our friends face challenges that need your help.

Furaha is currently implementing the rigorous Competency Based Curriculum that requires students to produce work that tests their skills using digital resources. In order for students to be successful, parents are also asked to play a role by providing technology for their students, though this can be problematic as families lack the digital resources to help their students.

Amidst the challenges, your giving, and your continued giving allows for the students of Furaha to access laptops so students can access the digital literacy needed to show competency.

Donate today so our partners can continue to supply the students of Furaha with the proper resources to meet the growing demands of learners.

You are needed.

Geoffrey’s life is changed

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Geoffrey was born into extreme poverty, but because of the Furaha Community Foundation he was able to successfully graduate in 2018 as the school president without any fear that his schooling would be interrupted. He is now making a difference in his community. Geoffrey has entered into a career that enables him to break free from the chains of extreme poverty.

Let’s join together to see more stories like Geoffrey come to reality.

Your support, donations, and prayers are making a life-changing difference.

It’s not time to rest

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Rest or complacency should not be in sight when people all over our world do not have food or basic necessities to survive.

1.9 billion people live in extreme poverty. Behind this startling statistic are people, people who work tirelessly to provide food for themselves and their children. Let’s stand along side the poor, let’s stand beside Risper.

Your giving lets her know she has a community.

Your giving lets her know she is not alone.

Your giving gives her hope.

Let’s not rest until extreme poverty is kicked off the face of the planet.

Graduates have the mic

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Listen to Furaha Graduates Share their story.

Joan, Mitchell, and Millicent have graduated from Furaha High School. Listen below as they share their story of thanks and their plan to give back to their community, in the effort to empower children out of extreme poverty.

The Final Exams

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This week, Furaha Form Four students will take their final exam to finish their high school career. Each student will take multiple exams over the course of the next few weeks!

We stand by each student in prayer! Take a moment to hear from the students and principal by clicking below!